
Get recent activities

This API is to request the activities informations of project.

Includes transactions and transfers within the transaction.

Get overall analytics

This API is to get the overall analytics. You can request the project ID and Chain ID get overall analytics.

The returned data includes:

  • Project ID

  • Return total assets in the last 7 days and the time you query.

  • The rate of change in the amount of assets of the following day compared to the previous day

  • Cumulative profit and loss in the last 7 days

  • Daily profit and loss in last 7 days

  • greatEvents: List of great events sorted in descending order by amount

  • inflowTokens: List of inflow tokens

  • outflowTokens: List of outflow tokens

  • inflow: Daily volume deposited on the exchange the last 15 days

  • outflow: Daily volume withdrawal on the exchange in the last 15 days

Get introduction of Cexes

This API is to request the introduction of the Project.

The returned data includes:

  • List of active chains and addresses of cexes on this chain

  • Social accounts

  • Rank

  • Volume

  • Volume change logs in last 30 days

  • Number of markets

  • Number of coins

Get the list of Cexes

This API is to request the list of Cexes sorted in descending order by tradingVolume.

Last updated