Lending pool
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Last updated
This API is to take the list of available blockchains. The result returned is the Chain ID, name of the chain and the image URL link of the chain.
This API is to get the data of lending pool list. You can request the following information:
DApp category: Lending, Dexes, Yield
Duration to return tvl change rate (in 24 hour)
Page 1-based index (Default number is 1 index)
Number of documents per page (Default number is 10)
Filters by filed and direction
The information returned includes:
Total number lending pool
ID of lending pool, its type and name
List of support chains
Real-time Metrics: Total Value Locked & TVL change rate,Total assets & Total assets change rate, Total number users
This API is to get the information of assets in lending pools. You can request the following information Project ID and Chain ID to get project lending overview.
The returned data includes:
ID of project lending and Chain ID to get overview
Number users and Real User Ratio
Total supply and borrow amount in USD
Number lenders and borrowers
ID and name of lending
Link to image of lending's symbol
Key of market and Chain ID of market
Total value of market in this Markets.chain_id
Assets key and ID
Type and Name of asset and Link to image of asset's symbol
Price of asset, Total supply and borrow in USD of this asset, along side the supply and borrow APY
Number Lenders and borrowers of this asset
Total Value Locked and TVL change rate in 24 hour
This API is to gain the information of user in specific lending pool.
This API is to search entities. You can request the keyword to search and type of the entities (tokens, nfts, exchanges, defi, addresses).
The information returned will be:
Keyword to search
Basic identity information of token, NFT, exchange, DeFi project and addresses ( ID, type, name and link of their symbol)
The Token Heath score
Project type of NFT, exchange and DeFi project
This API is to get the overall analytics. You can request the project ID and Chain ID get overall analytics.
The returned data includes:
Project ID
Return total asset in the last 7 days and the time you query
The rate of change in assets of the following day compared to the previous day
Cumulative profit and loss in the last 7 days
Daily profit and loss in last 7 days
Tokens of the project
Total Value Locked and TVL change rate in 24 hour and its history fluctuation in 30 days
Daily active users and its change rate in 24 hour
Daily Transactions and its change rate in 24 hour
Number transactions and unique Users in 30 days
This API is to request the information of the collateral assets that are at risk. You can ask for the information of Project ID and Chain ID to get project lending overview.
The information you will receive include:
Project ID
Chain to get lending collateral at risk
How the price drops
The collaterals at high, medium and low risk
This API is to call the information of the loans that are at risk. You can request the information of Project ID and Chain ID to get project lending overview as well as the analysis over the last 30 days.
The information you will receive include:
Project ID and chain to get lending collateral at risk
Timestamp and Price drop 20%, 30%, 40%
This API is to gain the statistics on liquidation history.
This API is to request the current statement.
This API is to request the list of lending position.
This API is to gain the information of FICO Crypto Credit Score.
No body
DApp category: Lending
, Dexes
, Yield
,... If not set, return dapp of all categories.
Duration to return tvl change rate. Default: 24 hours.
Page 1-based index. Default: 1
Number of documents per page. Default: 10
Sort by field. Default: tvl
Sort direction: asc
or desc
. Default: desc
No body
Project ID
Chain ID
No body
Project ID
Chain ID
No body
Search keyword
Type: tokens
, nfts
, exchanges
, defi
, addresses
No body
Entity id
Entity type. Options: profile
, wallet
, project
, token
Project type. Use if type
is project
. Options: defi
, nft
, exchange
Chain ID
No body
Project ID
Chain ID
No body
Project ID
Chain ID
Start timestamp. Default: 30 days before endTime
End timestamp. Default: current time.
No body
Project ID
Chain ID
Start timestamp. Default: 30 days before endTime
End timestamp. Default: current time.
Limit collateral, debt and liquidators return. Default: 10.
No body
Entity id
Entity type. Options: profile
, wallet
, project
, token
Project type. Use if type
is project
. Options: defi
, nft
, exchange
Chain ID
Display token or not
Display NFT or not
Display action receive assets or not
Display action send assets or not
Page 1-based index. Default: 1
Number of documents per page. Default: 25
Filter by interaction methods, methods are separated by commas.
Filter by token ID
Filter by from address
Filter by to address
No body
Chain ID
No body
No body